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“Each human being is unique. In the world, there are no two absolutely identical human beings. Even identical twins remain different. The particularity of man is to carry an identity that defines only himself. “

 Tahar Ben Jelloun

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Create the changes that will lead you to your dream life

* Some projects need to be considered and imagined further to begin to come into reality


* Some projects are projects that affect deep internal redefinitions and self-realignment .


* Some projects are projects that are important to us individually, and which are ready for decision .


* Some projects call for breaking old patterns and being at peace with them.


* Some projects require working on the clean energy that runs through us to find our role and our impact .  




Individual coaching sessions focus on you and your uniqueness. 

You are an eminently deep and talented spiritual being, and my job in the first place is to reconnect you to this inner wisdom and to seek your future from there.

It is a real tailor-made work in which we decide together to commit ourselves.

You have a real impact on your environment! Y

our coaching will allow you to let your uniqueness flourish so that it flourishes in a concrete and founding way in your universe.


"My job as your Coach is to help you go beyond your limits with joy and simplicity, until you manage to  create a life that looks like you"

“I sincerely believe that each life is in the interest of a much larger balance. It is by succeeding in revealing to you such.  that you are that you can then act in the best way for the highest good of all."

What you can expect from your individual coaching

By choosing personalized and individual Coaching support, you are investing in your development and success:


  • Create the momentum for your success 

  • Create this deep conviction that you have the right to be ambitious for yourself

  • ​​​ Balance your values with your requirements (logistics and environmental)

  • Become a driving force in your life

  • Determine your best posture 

  • Go back to basics

  • Build consistency of actions over the long term

  • Radiate and Embody Your Magnificence

  • Develop your internal leadership

  • Connect to your inner wisdom

  • Create virtuous circles within and around you


Team coaching

Support group

Coaching circles 

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