28 Days to Your Empowered Potential
Many leaders and companies ask us WHAT all of this "personal" growth has to do with work, and we believe and know that "purpose and potential" must be the new priority in this global competitive environment. A survey conducted by the organization PayScale with over 2 million people in more than 500 professions has shown that adults who claim to find meaning in their lives and work score the highest in life satisfaction and well-being.
The statistics are compelling, showing that the correlation between job satisfaction and purpose orientation was consistent in virtually every country and industry studied, demonstrating the extensive benefits of living with a purpose. Regardless of age, education level, profession, and country, purpose and authentic social connection are linked to better mental health, less depression, happiness, satisfaction, personal growth & self-acceptance, better sleep, improved immune functioning, and are associated with a reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease, strokes, and heart attacks.
In fact, people with the greatest sense of purpose have a 58% reduced risk of death compared to those living without purpose.
A recent Gallup World Poll, covering 150 countries and representing 98% of the world's population, found that less than 20% of people report being satisfied with their work, and one in eight regularly works 50 hours or more per week. It's not surprising, then, that global rates of depression have increased dramatically by 60% in the past 25 years. A phenomenon that affects all demographic groups.
Do you know who you are and why you are here?
Do you know your greatest mission in life?
Are you aware of your values, potential, creativity, leadership abilities, and deep-seated purpose that, when activated, act as an inner compass to guide your career, health, relationships, happiness, and life?
No matter how great your outward success is, if you don't know the answer to these questions, you might feel like something is missing in your life.
The 28-Day Empowered Potential Program is a powerful program that anyone can follow. It's a process that helps you clear away mental and emotional noise, distractions, excessive busyness, and clutter so that you can hear the messages from within. It awakens you to discover your true purpose, strengths, and values so that you can design your days to support more of this alignment with yourself.
REMINDER: Your unique purpose has much more to do with who you desire to BE in the world and how you show up, rather than what you do.
Objectives of the 28-day "Leadership" program
Finding your Leader Identity
Go beyond performance
Deploy your hidden talents
Become the best expression of yourself

Be inspiring
Connect to your deep value system
Learn to respect yourself
Release deep-rooted emotional tension
Personal results that you will obtain thanks to the "Leadership" Program
The most common statements that come out of people who have gone through the Soul Coaching® 28-days program are about a real turning point being created in their lives. For virtually everyone, a remarkable transformation occurs where personal blockages and limitations gradually dissolve and positive changes occur in various areas of their lives.

During this program you will:
Gain confidence in your position as a Leader
Learn to let go at the right times
Make aligned and consistent decisions
Be more attentive
Increase your emotional intelligence
Adopt a unifying posture
Trust and love you
Declutter your mental and physical space
Getting to know yourself
Using the energy of nature (Air, Water, Fire, and Earth), this program will allow you to clear old limitations so that you can truly begin to claim your luminosity, and the magnificence of your body.